Feedbacks van mannen
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    Daniel, 40 jaar
    Duitsland, Bad Wörishofen


    Viktoriya, 38 jaar
    Rusland, Moskou


    ich habe hier meine Traumfrau gefunden

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    Carlos, 57 jaar
    Spanje, Madrid

    He encontrado mi pareja
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    Jean Pierre, 51 jaar
    Frankrijk, Nantes

    site extrement bien correct , merci
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    Carmine, 59 jaar
    Zwitserland, Lausanne


    Elena, 51 jaar
    Kazachstan, Petropavl

    ringrazio questo sito che mi ha permesso di trovare una persona per me molto speciale. auguro a tutti gli utenti di questo sito di non disperare, quello che non accade in tanti anni, accade in un attimo
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    Aldo Alfredo, 48 jaar
    Nicaragua, Jinotepe


    Excente para relacionar personas por todo el mundo gracias

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    Lightdale, 55 jaar
    Denemarken, Glostrup

    i have found someone on this site.
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    Arildo, 41 jaar
    Brazilië, Belo Horizonte

    Olá! boa tarde, eu encontrei uma moça no Cazaquistão, vamos nos comunicar, ainda não é namora, mais quem sabe possa transformar em namoro, o tempo vai dizer.
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    Luci, 27 jaar
    Marokko, Casablanca

    good site
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    Wahbi, 20 jaar
    Tunesië, Béja

    great site
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    Dmitrij, 34 jaar
    Litouwen, Klaipėda


    Ira, 36 jaar
    Wit-Rusland, Hrodna

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    Manar, 30 jaar
    Algerije, Sidi-bel-Abbès

    Site une relation sérieuse
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    Maxence, 54 jaar
    Frankrijk, Parijs

    I have been very pleased to meet Anna from Saint Petersburg, in your dating site. I always though that it is one of the best dating site. Even if you have so much progress to realize to dating become successful even with a poor consciousness and education from both men and women. If dating is rarely successful and easy to live, it is because of this poverty in communication and first of all on language skills. Over this, there is the poverty on the clarity in the purpose of people. Where the relation is often related only to our biologic senses.

    I hope for those who are still in the dating site since many years, that they will one day understand their bad attitude and the poverty of their consciousness, thinking that the purpose of their life will come to them by chance, and the happiness too!

    Therfore good luck for everyone.
  • Verloofd

    Andrea, 34 jaar
    Italië, Campodarsego

    Desidero ringraziare lo staff del sito web per la serietà e precisione con cui lavora!
    Io e Elena ci siamo conosciuti qui a Ottobre del 2015 e oggi siamo felicemente e splendidamente fidanzati, e conviviamo in Italia!
    I dubbi iniziali per quanto riguarda il trovare la persona del cuore su un sito web sono normali... poi, avendo un po' di pazienza e buona volontà, i risultati arrivano!
    Abbiate fede!  

    Ringraziamo ancora lo staff, senza di voi non saremmo qui sul divano abbracciati a scrivere queste poche righe!


    Andrea e Elena
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    Simon, 59 jaar
    Zweden, Stockholm


    Tack, nu har jag hittat kvinna i mitt liv. "Nina" Väldigt seriös deating sida. Det tog tid att hitta min kärlek, men till slut hittade jag den rätta. Tack

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    Romildo, 49 jaar
    Verenigde Staten, Deerfield Beach


    yes I found a very interesting and intelligent lady that I already met once in the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine and I am very pleased and happy about her and ready to make a lifetime commitment to this sweetheart. Thank you very much for your services and for your great website.

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    Israel, 23 jaar
    Ecuador, Latacunga

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    Michael, 43 jaar
    Duitsland, Saarbrücken

    Ich habe meinen Wunschpartner gefunden!!!
    Eine ganz tolle Frau !!! Ich habe sie auch vor kurzem in Russland besucht.
    Wir sind sehr verliebt !!!
    Vielen Dank !!!
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    Lars, 36 jaar
    Verenigde Staten, Oregon

    I have found someone from this site. One of the best sites available if not THE best!
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    Mihail, 46 jaar
    Rusland, Perm

    Все супер!
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    Jeremy, 38 jaar
    Frankrijk, Parijs

    met woman i liked
    sorry she delated too her profile
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